Saturday, 21 August 2010

More Cybercrop Inspiration!

As if I needed another excuse to avoid housework, The Studio are having a CC this weekend.  The pre-crop challenge from last night was to frame your title.  I'm still playing with chipboard in anticipation of my class at the 5th Pink Booby Crop so I took the opportunity to photograph a few step-by-step images too.  As I love to multi-task with my scrapping, the LO is also meeting the criteria for the August Week 3 challenge over on UKS (3 photos, celebration, blue and bunting - a bit cheeky with that last one I know).  I made a little dent in my BG Archaic collection pack and a big mess on my scrap desk.

No.2 Son's 18th birthday celebration at home - fairly low-key in advance of the big day as he was about to go skiing with his 6th form mates!


  1. Great LO. I love that big circle : )
    Thanks for joining in.

  2. I love this LO; great framing!

  3. Jemma, please keep it up :) I love what you've got on here already - it's a great place to expand on journalling and tell us more about how a layout went together. And that background is fab!


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