Sunday, 5 September 2010

Learn Something New Every Day

My UKS team-mate, Mary "Buttons" was lucky enough to win two places on Shimelle's Learn Something New Every Day course ... and offered the spare place to the first team-mate who wanted it ... ME! Thank you again Mary :o)

Anyway, I've managed the cover and the first page for my Learn Something New Every Day album from Shimelle's class.  I decided I would use up a 6x6 paper pad that was in a goody box from Indigo Mill's retreat last year - beautiful papers, but I don't really do 6x6 ... so I've combined this with some A5-ish white card and we'll see what happens.  The front cover has another example of decorated chipboard to show the ladies at the Pink Booby Crop next month as well as trimmings from the first few sheets of the Black Market Society papers - waste not want not remember!  I changed the title from "Learn Something New Every Day"  to "30 days hath September" because I still haven't quite got my head around the learning something new part ... so my book will just be a collection of thoughts that I've "thunked" each day during September.

The first page for September shows the supplies that I have collected together from Mount Stashion ... all based around the three rather bright colours of the papers .... lime, pink and yellow ... should be an eye-watering eye-catching book by the end!

Eventually I will borrow my friend's Bind It All to fix the pages together.  I have learnt my lesson with projects like this and find it far more sensible to bind them at the end, after I have rectified things like putting the photos in upside down, spilling wine/tea/blood (yes, those craft knives are sharp!) on my pages or touching the Diamond Glaze before it has dried!


  1. A nice, new take on the project :)

  2. Love it the title is perfect and I love your waste not want not cover.
    and I had to smile about the binding of the pages and having to alter/throw out or other wise disguise your coffee/bloody messes :D


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