Sunday, 10 July 2011

Ten on the Tenth: Reasons to Take More Water With It

I'm busy constructing a little memento for No.1 Son to remind him why he shouldn't drink so much following his recent escape from really serious injury.  It contains 10 photos to go with the 10 reasons.  I had hoped to upload the finished project, but it's proving to be slightly more time-consuming to construct than I'd anticipated!  So for tonight, you'll have to make do with the reasons and some of the photos - sorry!

So here's Reason #1 - You may lose a favourite shoe ...

#2 - You may try to get the shoe back from an impossibly high place & find that you aren’t really that good at “parkour”!

#3 - You may end up flat on your back in bed!

#4 - Your friends may not be all that sympathetic!

#5 - Your girlfriend may get very, very cross!!!!

#6 - You may have to take a lot of painkillers & other tablets!

#7 - Your Mum may have to clean up your room & find all kinds of {unmentionable} things under your bed!

#8 - You may need help putting on your socks!

#9 - You may need to wear a CORSET !!!

And finally ....

#10 - You may not get the shoe back next time!

Great customer service from Fenwicks department store - who lowered a member of staff from an upstairs window to retrieve the missing shoe which we then gift-wrapped for our boy :D
Please check back in a couple of days to see the finished project.  In the meantime check out more Ten on the Tenth posts here.

ETA - the finished project is now available to view here!


  1. Great list and glad he's looking better than last time I checked in.

  2. Oh man! I have several, scarily similar 'should have had more water with it' stories from my own student days. Would LOVE to hear the full story sometime :)

  3. I'm intrigued on photo #9 ;) great list and hope he gets it.

  4. Great idea - loved the bit about cleaning under the bed!

  5. I love this post and it really made me smile.
    But as a mother I can connect with your concern and frustration when someone you care for does something stupid. Hope your son learns his lesson and keeps his feet on the ground in future!

  6. Hope he takes the list to heart!

  7. What an awesome, inspiring and playful way to sink home some very real truths.

  8. Great way to remind the 'under the bed' bit!
    Alison xx

  9. I hope it means no repeats of recent events, he is looking well now, I did laugh about under the bed!

  10. Very funny - I hope he heeds your good advice!

  11. Sorry to hear about your son; love your post though. Wishing him a very speedy recovery!


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