Sunday, 4 March 2012

Spot The Difference

Today, the first Sunday in March, is a time for tales ... told in words or pictures or both.  I was browsing my photos to prompt a story and found these two ...

Baby boy Baby girl

One baby is a girl, the other a boy; they were both photographed in a foreign country where Dutch was/is spoken.  Both were pudgy babies who grew into stick thin children.  One is still skinny and trying to gain weight, the other ...

I had never noticed before how very similar they were as babies ... no wonder they clash occasionally now that they are both adults!
{ And no wonder No.2 Son reckons No.1 Son is turning into his Mother Mark II }

Pop over to Siân's place for more Sunday stories.


  1. gosh they are alike I would say they were the same baby

  2. oh my goodness...are they at all related?! that is crazy!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    Happy weekend!!

  3. Great photos and fun comparisons too.

  4. Ahh... such cute babies :) Love your comparison story :)

  5. LOve that you told it in photos. Fab.

  6. Love how the photos sparked these memories. I love the light in the photograph on the right.

  7. Baby photos across the years are brilliant for comparisons.

  8. Beautiful photos and a lovely way to tell a story.

  9. How funny! It could be two pictures of the same baby...I wonder will the same features come out in the next generation too - we were just saying yesterday how Little E looks very very like his Mum at the same age.

  10. I have photos of me as a baby and child that my daughter is convinced are of her and wants to know where I am hiding the toys/clothes as she can't find them! Lovely pics Jemma x

  11. Adorable photos! and the resemblance is amazing, right down to the curve of their mouths.

  12. Truly remarkable likeness and how important that you have recorded who is who. In years to come, someone will be very grateful that you have pointed it out!

  13. They ARE alike, aren't they...I am always amazed at family likenesses when I look back on photographs!
    Alison xx

  14. They are very similar but also very sweet. what beautiful pictures.

  15. What lovely photos! There is certainly a distinct similarity there, even if they don't look identical now.

  16. my friend's children look exactly like their parents in their baby pictures,
    jo xxx

  17. Its funny how you don't always notice such similarities at the time. My oldest is a mini me - in looks and nature.

  18. awww lovely photos - they are very much alike.

  19. what a cute baby you were! So alike great pics xxx

  20. Oh - this makes me want to go and dig out photos of my parents as tinies now! I don't think there are many but I need to check!

  21. you're so lucky to have those photos!

  22. Aw, so cute, and yes, so very alike! Thanks for sharing! X

  23. Wow, so very alike! TFS your story.
    Cheers from France

  24. SO cute! I thought they were photos of the same baby until I read your story. :o)

  25. Wow, it's like two pictures of the same baby!

  26. I had to look twice - a striking resemblance!

  27. Definitely very similar! Mine were very similar too but then they are both boys.

  28. What cute baby pictures - makes me think of my sister & I - we can't figure out who's who in the baby pictures.

  29. I love the simplicity of this story. Proof that all you need is the memory and a couple of well chosen words. Perfect :)

  30. What precious photos & insightful similarities!

  31. What a resemblance! My MIL has a photo of my husband in a school play and my son was asking why he couldn't remember being in it!

  32. Love those eyes in baby faces and the glimpse of baby toes :swoon:

    Such fun to see the resemblance.

  33. My goodness, they do resemble each other remarkably! Great little story ...

  34. Great resemblance - and he still looks like you now, eh!
    I have a photo of James, aged around 2, jumping around after a balloon. From the angle it was taken, he looks just like me at the same age - amazing! In most of his small-baby pictures, he looks just like his daddy though. Now, there is a resemblance to both, but he just looks like James!

  35. If you hadn't said they were different children I would have sworn they were photos of the same child!! WOW.


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