Monday, 23 April 2012

World Book Night 2012

Tonight it's World Book Night - the 2nd one to be held in the UK, and a slightly more world-wide affair this time around as the USA are joining in along with Germany!  In the UK & Ireland 20,000 passionate readers will give 24 copies of one of their favourite books to their friends, colleagues, neighbours, passers-by and anyone they feel would enjoy reading it.

World Book Night 2012 All Titles

In addition World Book Night will be giving a further 620,000 books directly to the hardest to reach readers through prisons, care homes, hospitals, sheltered housing, homeless shelters, libraries and charities.

The Time Traveller's Wife World Book Night 2012
I applied to be a WBN giver and was lucky enough to not only be selected, but be able to give away my first choice and favourite book - "The Time Traveller's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger.  For me, this book was thought-provoking, moving, stimulating, uplifting and exciting. While it is complicated with flashbacks and flashforwards through time as the hero travels to events in both his past and future, the book is worth a slow read to savour all the implications of just how much our lives are shaped by others.

I promised to keep a few copies back to give away via my blog: if you would like to be the temporary owner of a WBN copy, please add a comment below by noon (UK time) on Friday 27th April.  I say "temporary" because the idea of WBN is to spread the love of reading and these books are meant to be passed on ... and on ... and on!  Each book has a unique Book Crossing ID number and you can log its stay with you, add your thoughts (good & bad) about the book, and chart its progress in the future.

So, if you fancy reading this book and would be willing to share it with your friends, colleagues, neighbours or someone passing you by, please let me know!


  1. Ah, saw your "Blogger It" post.. thought I had better come over here immediately!
    Yes, please Jemma - I would like to try this book. It sounds good!

    I'm having arguments with Blogger too. I hate the new interface. Why must they mess around? Perhaps they need some real work to do...

    Anyway, hopefully people will find your post now!

  2. Good job you realised about naughty bloger - it does seem to give people a few problems at times. Anyway yes please to the book giveaway - it sounds interesting.

  3. Yep, I saw your "Blogger It" post, too...count me in, I love to read!

  4. I'll pass thanks Jemma.. it's one of my favourite books too....and BLOGGER didn't do my 'scheduled' post yesterday!
    Alison xx

  5. I saw a partial preview of this post pop into my Reader several days ago with just the title and I went to check it out. I think it is a fab idea, that apparently started in the UK and is not in the US for the first year too. You know I love reading, and I actually have several of the books listed in my library, not this one though. But don't consider me for the drawing, I just had to tell you I think it is very cool indeed - I will try and sign up next year. Are you going to post updates of the tracking on your blog?

  6. Fed up with Blogger..

    I've read this one and very much enjoyed it, but I'll be looking out to see where your copy lands

  7. Oooh. I have never read this (though I have heard many good things about it). I'd love to read it and pass it on. This is the first I've seen of the give-away, too.

  8. I saw your post in my dashboard the other day but when I clicked it said this post isn't available! Would love a chance to read this book!

  9. OOOOOOoooo, I'm letting you know Jem **waves** this is a book on my "to read list" so would love to read it & pass it on.

  10. Jemma I'd love to give The Time Travellers Wife a temporary home and I promise it will be passed on responsibly :)

  11. What a good idea! I already own a copy but haven't read it yet so whoever fosters the book, enjoy!

  12. I'd love to have a read if I'm lucky enough and I would pass on. Mine didn't post yesterday either until I did it manually. Also giving away if you want to have a look :0)

  13. I'm having huge problems with scheduled posts that aren't posting :-( Off to post one now.

    I love the idea of WBN but I don't need to be included in your draw for The Time Traveller's Wife - I read it through my sister, my other sister and my mum (we spread books around our family too!) But go you on the spreading the love. I always pass on my books if I don't think I will want to read them again. Such a great idea of encouraging others. But I picked up two books from a roadside charity "box" yesterday and now am determined to drop off two into the box the next time I'm passing - even if they are in English and might be challenging for someone picking them up :-)

  14. oh, that sounds like a great read, and please count me in. So nice of you to do this. I'll happily pass it on to. :). Yes, and bother Blogger!

  15. Bother Blogger - but I'd love to be included. I always pass on books - to Princess first usually of course!

  16. yes but really, would you post to me, i could just order it from the library in fact if you choose me resubmit and i'll order it

  17. I have my very own copy of this beautiful book, but can guarantee that anyone who receives one from you will want to keep it! One of my all time favourites - a love story at it's finest!


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