Sunday, 27 May 2012

Happy Mail #2

The same day that my Happy Mail from Natalie arrived there was also a note from the postman telling me he'd been round with a parcel while I was out and that I had to wait 10 hours before going to the main post office to collect it!  In effect that meant I had to wait until the next day, but boy was it worth the wait!

Box detail

My friend José (who introduced me to scrapbooking back in 2006) had sent me some glue supplies: I love Hema's photo glue as it's cheap, easy to apply, repositionable, easy to clean up and it's also photo safe! José is VERY crafty and so it wasn't just any parcel that I picked up ... inside the brown paper packaging was ...

Hema fotolijm box

AND there was a little extra something in there just for fun:

Decorated box of gems

Almost too nice to start using ... but not quite!  Thank you José - I ♥ you!


  1. Oh that's pretty - and it arrived amazingly unsquished!

  2. Wow! That looks amazing. That's what I call über-happy mail!

  3. Happy, you like it!


  4. Wow! I think I'd like to hear more about the friend who introduced you to scrapbooking

  5. What a lucky lady you've been this week!
    Alison xx


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