Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Signs Of Sixth Form

A very short Sunday Story (on a Tuesday) from me - as Child No.3 starts Sixth Form.  She's stayed put at her (all girls) school where they treat the Sixth Formers as a separate "college" and there may even be boys from the equivalent boys' school college in some lessons.  Although the boys still have to wear uniforms, the girls do not.  The girls are allowed other liberties too; for example they no longer have to keep to "natural" hair colours and then there are their nails:

Photo - daisies on grass nails

I might have known Child No.3 would get out her nail art pens and do something creative for her first day!

Want more school-related stories?  Or school-un-related stories? Check out the rest at From High In The Sky


  1. Those are fantastic. DD Clara tried to do marble-ized nails over the weekend, but she couldn't get it to work.

  2. Cool nails. Is her mom ready for this year of upcoming changes in sixth form?

  3. Oh wow! TSO will go nuts if I tell her there are schools where nail decoration is allowed lol..and very lovely decoration it is too.

    This is one of those short stories which says a lot - and I like that!

  4. What a great school! they are lovely nails :-)

  5. I asked Princess if her school allows nail polish - she doesn't know but suspects not.

  6. I bet there are all manner of hair colours and nail art in those first few weeks! She's done well with that paint job.

  7. Gosh, that's a landmark!

    The Boy's school and the one The Tomboy hopes to attend both have 6th forms, and in each you have to wear a suit - painted nails would definitely not be allowed (for the boys or the girls!!)

  8. My daughter started six grade this year and she also has an obsession with nail art. She has discovered many wonderful things on instagram and I tease her that instagram is costing me a fortune!


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