Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Zoom In Zoom Out #34

A quick ZIZO from me - just in time to join in with Helena's 34th week.  Hubby had a Boxed Set of DVDs for his birthday.  Six series worth.  We're watching together; sort of.  I like to watch one episode at a time and think about it.  Although if it ends on a shock cliffhanger the temptation to carry on and watch another is huge.  Occasionally we succumb.  I draw the line at three episodes in a single sitting though, so occasionally I'm left behind if things have been particularly exciting.

Jimjams - ZIZO 34 - Breaking Bad

It's lucky that a second viewing of an episode is apparently acceptable to Hubby as long as he doesn't have to wait too long.  We're on Season Four now and I cannot believe how much I have engaged with methamphetamine c(r)ooks and junkies.  Anti-heroes doesn't quite do them justice.  No.2 Son & Child No.3 keep telling me "It's not real Mum!" as I sit there urging Jesse not to do it!

Have you watched Breaking Bad?  Can you watch a boxed set slowly, an episode a night or do you binge on it, watching back to back episodes?


  1. I could gorge on boxed sets...and as DH works nights 2 nights a week.. I can indulge as often as I like... however in reality I limit myself to no more than 3 at a sitting.. although, as you say, the temptation is huge to sit there all day and all night!

  2. I often do 3 at a time but have never consumed a whole box in one go - currently watching Orange is the New Black 2 episodes a night - plan to start on breaking bad next

  3. Never watched Breaking Bad. Wookie & Princess did a Poirot from a box set last night. We often do half a program too at the end of the day.... But then have also been known to do several hours over a weekend.

  4. No, I've never watched it. I have a few box sets to catch up on, but like you, I can't sit and watch too many in one go lol

  5. Nick has just subscribed to Netflix for another month to allow the chip to finish all 6 series of Gossip Girl and for him to start watching Breaking Bad!!

  6. This is one I keep meaning to try too.

    Another one I discovered on the plane this summer was "Vikings". I finally discovered the meaning of the phrase "binge watch"..

  7. Haven't watched any of this series...except for about 15 minutes of the second last episode!!!
    I would think this series would be too intense to watch more than 1 episode at a time..
    I used to binge watch the series "24" but stopped once it almost gave me a heart attack---way too intense for me.

  8. I binge, I rarely watch anything on live tv anymore, preferring to watch a series in a short amount of time. The latest one is Avatar, and I've already got hold of the sequel series. I'll happily watch as many as I have time to in one sitting.

    Havent seen breaking bad yet, its on my list of maybes, still a few "must watch" before I get to it

  9. Gosh, it must be 30 years since I saw a periodic table!

  10. Breaking Bad, top notch TV: crime, chemistry and cliffhangers, what's not to love?!


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