Saturday, 2 July 2016

UKS Snappy Scrapping

There's a new challenge on the block ... the Summer Snap! over on UKScrappers ... here's the list of photos I need to collect:

  1. vapour trails or clouds
  2. a horse drawn vehicle
  3. flowers in bloom
  4. a summer job in the garden
  5. something typifying your holiday destination, or your home town if you are planning a staycation
  6. hats
  7. ice cream
  8. kites or balloons
  9. bubbles
  10. ducks, swans or seabirds
  1. summer sunrise or sunset
  2. eating al fresco
  3. somewhere you would only visit when the sun shines
  4. flags or bunting
  5. summer shoes
  6. fruit growing, in the garden, on a tree, or in the hedgerow
  7. water
  8. umbrellas
  9. glasses
  10. fete, fair or festival
Substitutes are allowed:

  1. Play
  2. Anything in your favourite colour
  1. Something that made you smile
  2. Friends
  1. Just girls or Just boys

And the and the scrappy challenges that follow:
  1. a layout featuring at least 6 of your photos from the list
  2. a page using one large photo from the list
  3. scrap a picture of you, the photographer 
Looks like fun! Oh and I nearly forgot to mention ... there are prizes :-)


  1. Can't wait to see some of your snapping, Jemma. Thank you for joining in and good luck.
    Sue x

  2. Looking forward to seeing your photos too.

  3. A fantastic list of photos to take :) Lots of fun it looks like in that list too and the layouts should be really cool from the pictures :)

  4. That looks like a list with lots of possibilities. And I especially like the idea of scrapbooking the photos. I'll be looking forward to yours :).


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