Monday, 22 August 2011

One Day

A while back I was lucky enough to be the winner of Alison's book giveaway and be the next to read one of the 2011 World Book Night books - "One Day" by David Nicholls.

It sat here for a while before I decided it should reach the top of my to-read pile, then yesterday I realised that the film was due out any day and I always prefer to read a book before I see a film, so better get cracking!  Several hours later, I had a break to cook a meal for the family, and then returned to this completely engrossing book.  I wanted to know more, I simply could not wait to find out how it ended.  And then I was sad that I had kept going, because now I did know and the book was finished and there weren't any pages left to read (and not many tissues left either)!

So thank you Alison (and Ruth who gave the book to her (and the World Book Night Organisation for sending Ruth her books)) and especially thank you to David Nicholls for bringing Dex and Em (or should that be Em and Dex) into my life for one day. I loved the way there were snippets of life from the last 20 years told through letters, conversations, diary entries and how believable the characters were - real people, living real lives, making real choices.

And now comes your chance to read this wonderful book (a special must-pass-it-on-to-someone-else-via-your-blog-after-reading edition) - just leave me a comment below to say why you'd like to read it and check back in a week to see if you're the one!  [International enquiries most welcome]  That will give me time to re-read and savour the pages before I decide whether I can brave watching the film in public - I could always wear dark glasses for leaving the cinema!


  1. I'm always in need of utterly engrossing books to read. I generally read so quickly that I never have enough books on my shelf to satisfy my book cravings! Besides, you've made it sound so intriguing :)

  2. Jemma,
    I'd love to read this book because I really enjoy books that pull me away from my world and take me to another and probably won't see the movie until it comes out on DVD, so I will have time to finish it first. LOL!

  3. I'm SO glad you enjoyed it...definately one of the best and engrossing books I've read for a long time! I wanted it to go on, too.....
    Alison xx

  4. Oooh yes please! I'd love to read it (and then would probably pass it on again) because I

    a) love to read
    b) teach journaling classes where I stress the importance of holding on to diaries, letters, bits of conversations etc. so it would be fun to see that in fiction as well as real life
    c) am extremely unlikely to watch the movie for a wide variety of reasons
    d) relish engrossing books as any true bibliophile would.
    e) am grateful for the title and I've added it to my library list...

    The earliest a copy is due back is the 12th of September. No copies available at any of the 9 local libraries!

  5. Wow! That's a fast read! I would really like the chance to read this book as you make it sound captivating!

  6. My son's girlfriend and I have been reading books then watching the movies adapted from them (we saw The Help today...awesome!) since our guys prefer battles and cars and action. I'd love to have this on our book and a movie list :)

  7. This has been on my too be read list for some time after it being recommended to me by a friend. I probably won't see the film - for some reason I don't have the patience to watch a film all the way to the end but can quite happily curl up on the sofa with a good book for hours on end. Not quite worked that one out yet!

  8. I'd love to read this book, you've got me intrigued enough to hunt it down on this side of the pond!

  9. Gosh - it must be a good book if you read it that quickly. Lots of people have been commenting on it too and saying it should be read so that is why I would like to have a go.

  10. Would love to read this book, it's been a long time since I've found myself engrossed in a book, really miss it so maybe reading this book would do the trick.

  11. This definitely sounds like a book I would enjoy. Like you, I prefer to read the book before seeing the movie. I just saw The Help movie yesterday (my book club read it several months ago) and thoroughly enjoyed it because I was able to pick up on some of the little things that weren't necessarily explained in the movie.

  12. Love to read this, I've heard good reviews, also love the thought of books being passed on.


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