Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Flipping Sketches!!!

I love using sketches so this month's challenges at the Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog have been right up my street.  August has been sponsored by Sketch Support who have some super sketches on their blog (and two books of them for this month's prize - details here). One of the things I love about sketches is that you can twist and turn and flip them to create whole new pages - here is a double page spread I made with July's Counterfeit Kit for a challenge over on UKScrappers based on a recent Pagemaps sketch from June 2011 - the left hand side sticks fairly closely to the original and the right hand side is simply the sketch flipped upside down.  Throw on some stars and some extra shapes to tie the the pages together and the two halves make a whole!

Anyway, back to the CKCB and August's 3rd CKCB Challenge: to use one of Sketch Support's sketches but flip it in some way first!

I used this single page sketch from June to make a card for Challenge #1 and I used the same sketch to create my page for this challenge- turning it through 90 degrees first and then flipping it vertically!

My thanks go to Ally & Nic at my local crop who helped me with the title: I couldn't think of a punchy title and was explaining that my friend and I were looking deeply unattractive in our snorkelling masks when they started singing "Deeply Dippy" by Right Said Fred!

Can you see the likeness to the sketch?  Everything is from my August Counterfeit Kit and the flowers are again based on a tutorial by Dapfnie which is available on UKScrappers here.


  1. i love all the circles on the high jinks lo wish it was a little bigger so could see more

  2. Awesome pages-really love those circles on the first one!

  3. Fun pages and I LOVE Right Said Fred :)

  4. I often flip sketches...I LOVE the first one...hadn't thought of flipping upside down to make a second page!
    Alison xx

  5. I love that sketch! You did a beautiful job with it! I love the soft warm colors of your papers!

  6. I've seen your top LO on UKS and admired it hugely, and love your Deeply Dippy Lo too - course you can see the likeness to the sketch. :)

  7. Great pages again :) - really love those circles and the colours on the double, and your flowers are wonderful!

  8. Love the flowers and the title too! Beautiful colors. Well done with the sketch twist!!!! xoxo

  9. Love that 2 pager, but then I have a thing about circles.

  10. Wow, you have a talent for two pagers! This is wonderfully pulled together with your usual perfect attention to detail

  11. I love your High Jinks pages in particular - super colours and shapes, and all working together so well. Genius.


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