Friday, 8 June 2012

Happy Mail #3 & A Winner

Thank you Blogger for publishing the posts I'd scheduled since May 28th - the day of my surgery.  They ran out rather quicker than I expected ... or perhaps I took longer to feel up to blogging again?

My surgery went without incident ... other than waiting 7½ hours before being wheeled into theatre ... my recovery (so far) has been pretty painless and I've been dutifully doing my physio exercises and taking things very easy (no driving, no lifting).  I'd had a trapped nerve in my elbow which was causing pins-and-needles-like numbness in some of my fingers.  Nerves take a long while to recover so it may be some time before I know whether the operation was successful ... things certainly haven't got any worse which I'm sure is a good sign!

While I'm still not up to spending much time at the computer, I couldn't let today pass without shouting out a huge


to Alison who really brought a smile to my face when the postman popped a lovely envelope through my letter box.  In the envelope were a gorgeous hand made card, filled with kind words, and some lovely goodies to enjoy once I get scrapping again.

Happy mail with scrappy goodies

You made my day week Alison

And, hoping to do the same for somebody else, I remembered that I was overdue making a draw for my {Inter-}National Scrapbooking Day challenge to make something using up left over alphas ... if you linked back to my blog you doubled your chances of winning a small prize. did the work and .... 
JJABauer was the winner - the goodies will be on their way as soon as you let me know your address.


  1. wishing you a speedy recovery x

  2. Ooh, 7.5 hours is a bit of a wait. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Glad it arrived safely Jemma...hope you get to use it soon!
    Alison xx

  4. What a lovely thing for Alison to do. Enjoy your goodies. x

  5. It's very good to hear that everything is progressing as it should. When you get the feeling back, you will be even more of a demon scrapbooker than ever :)

  6. I just sent you an email, I cant believe you picked me YAY!!

  7. Oh isn't happy mail such a wonderful lift? Glad things are going well and hope your recovery continues smoothly.


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