Sunday, 3 June 2012

Sunday Jubilations

Welcome to another Sunday Story (part of Siân's Storytelling Sundays).  This weekend the UK is celebrating 60 years on the throne for Queen Elizabeth which got me thinking about our celebrations ten years ago.  We closed off the centre of our housing estate, bought balloons and bunting, borrowed tables and chairs, hired a bouncy castle, baked cakes, organised games and dressed in patriotic colours and had a simply brilliant time ... until the hail storm!!!

Sheltering from the hail - Golden Jubilee 2002
No.2 Son under our table - more waterproof than the parasol!
We Brits rely on our weather being unreliable, so we  found shelter where we could and waited for the clouds to pass.

Enjoying the hail - Golden Jubilee 2002
Child No.3 had a ball!
I've scrapped a selection of our Golden Jubilee photos over at Julie's blog as part of her continuing exploration of the alphabet - I did "J" for Jubilee & Union Jack.  Unfortunately there won't be an equivalent Diamond Jubilee page; nobody made the first move to put together a local street party committee; perhaps it's because the majority of children on our estate are all 10 years older and no longer interested in flag waving and sack races; perhaps those of us that helped last time felt someone else should take a turn?  We'll have to make do with the general village celebrations ... let's hope the weather is kinder this time!

Are you celebrating? Do you have a story to tell?  Why not share it with Siân?


  1. lol love the face under the table :) I know what you mean about thinking possibly it's someone else's turn. I was always the organizer/planner/implementer...when I decided I should let others have the joy of doing it things stopped happening @@

  2. is it a real community event without rain?! nothing happening in my local area either

  3. Great photos, love the one under the table, only in Britain in June eh!

  4. Well I hope Her Majesty isn't rained upon for her river cruise!

  5. Hope you enjoy the village celebrations and that it isn't raining - it is here.

  6. Love your photos of being under the table or just playing in the rain!

  7. I'm sitting here with the tv coverage of the rain on in the background - can't believe it after it being so lovely last week! Fingers crossed it will clear up for the afternoon - though if your photos are anything to go by, a bit of bad weather isn't going to dampen the spirits!

    Hope you are doing well?

  8. Enjoy your day. The pictures made me smile, so very British to be celebrating in the rain!

  9. I was at Church this morning where I was involved in looking after and keeping amused, the under 5's while the rest of the church family prepared for the Jubilee celebrations - in the pouring rain!

  10. The photo under the table is priceless!!! Enjoy the village celebrations.

  11. Lovely pics of typical British 'celebration' weather!!
    Alison xx

  12. I love that first shot. Fantastic! There's a big celebration today in our town, but a boy who hates crowds and a little girl with earache has meant a day at home.
    Fiona x

  13. Enjoying the TV coverage of the jubilee right now (it's 9 am for us and 5 pm for you). I checked out your layout at the link and love it (I always prefer multi-picture layouts). Thanks for sharing your story.

  14. we were washed out today with our village jubilations....and there were no tables in shelter under!!

    Great photos and a great story.

  15. We brits love to moan about the weather but we never let it dampon our spirits! We have enjoyed the day with a small gathering at home - in the dry!

  16. Well someone would have been hiding under the table again this year as the rains rained down again today.
    glad you found your photos

  17. well the weather wasn't very good where we were in Essex! We stayed in the whole day but have returned home to Surrey now (no rain today.... yet it is a UK bank holiday so it will probably come!!)

  18. We were so pleased we chose to have our street party on Saturday when the rain held off til we had just about finished clearing up......and even then.....the kids had to be forced indoors.....they didn't care about the rain in the slightest!!!

  19. We had a very damp (and therefore quintessentially British!) picnic on Saturday....

    I don't remember anything about the Jubilee 10 years ago. This might be because The Tomboy was only 5 weeks old so I was still in new baby daze?

    Love your photos capturing the wetness of the day! :)

  20. It's such a shame that there wasn't lots of sunshine, but your photos capture the wonderful atmsphere of it all x

  21. What fun photos! I can't wait to see them scrapped.

  22. Love the picture of your son under the table - his expression is priceless. Hope you enjoyed your village's celebrations. The weather wasn't much different over here in our part of Canada but we enjoyed watching everything on TV (all 4+ hours of it).

  23. I love the photographs, they sum up all our Britishness! Another wet Royal weekend, but everyone is still smiling. Hope you got to enjoy some of it.

  24. IKWYM about the lack of enthusiasm for street parties once the kiddies are grown. There was nothing in my parents' street. Hope you had a good weekend at the village 'do'.


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