Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Scavenger Hunt Local Round-up

OK time is ticking and I'll have to go with what I've got.  No more hunting for a more exciting or exotic or funnier interpretation of an item in Rinda's Summer Scavenger Hunt.  No more hoping for a sunnier day to get a better photo (especially as our Indian Summer has finally migrated).  Here's my final round-up.

Photo - South American Pan-pipers
#7 - A Person Playing a Musical Instrument
Quite exotic I guess, but I did feel sorry for the man on the right who had to wear the pink outfit and seemed to be doing most of the playing.  You'd think that if you were carrying most of the tunes, rather than shaking the nuts or selling the CDs that you'd get to pick which colour to wear.  On the other hand, maybe he did!

Photo - Butterfly shadow
#11 - A Shadow
Early in the summer I spotted that a solar powered fluttery butterfly in my Mum's garden made this lovely shadow.  Not easy to photograph though as I had to wait for a sunny enough day for a decent shadow, then get Mum to hold her hand over the solar panel to stop the butterfly from fluttering and hope that the wind wouldn't start blowing.  This attempt belonged to my fourth visit after a) no camera, b) no sun and c) too much wind.

I have lurked outside churches, registry offices and even contemplated attending wedding fairs to get the next item.  In the end I diverted past a cake shop ...

Photo - Chatwins alternative wedding cake
#16 - A Bride
... to get Bride on her wedding night!   Do you think anyone would actually buy this cake for their big day?

Funnily enough, having bagged that bride, I spent last Saturday at Nantwich Food & Drink Festival where I managed to spot a real life bride being slightly overwhelmed by the crowds surrounding the town centre church.  I did take a photo but I won't add to her woes by posting it - they already had to abandon their plans for a horse and carriage due to the festival crowds {No - I didn't ask!  But I do know the man that had to break the news to her}

The food & drink festival was full of roadside stalls selling ... food & drink, including this most excellent ice-cream stall - a beautifully decorated converted VW camper van

Photo - VW Camper Ice-cream Van
 #4 - Roadside stall selling something
That left one thing to get ... irritatingly something that I'd seen early on and thought "No - I 'll wait for a better example of a movie poster than that!"  Ha - served me right as I haven't spotted any posters for weeks!  Today I had to divert to the cinema on the way home from the shops to capture not one, but four of the blighters!

Photo - Odeon movie posters
#18 - Movie PosterS
So that's me up to date ... apart from #21 ... which is compulsory apparently ... a photo of me standing with something symbolising my nation:

Photo - Me & My National "Symbol"
#21 - My & My National Symbol
Erm, not quite standing, whoops ;o)


  1. I love the bride and well done on the butterfly

  2. I'm trying to pick one to feature on a round-up post today, but I love your shadow and your musicians both so much!

  3. The butterfly shadow is awesome and the bride hilarious, poor real bride you saw :(

  4. Great finish. The butterfly shadow is lovely, not so sure about the wedding cake!

  5. Great set of photographs to round up your Hunt. That cake is unbelievable, and your shadow quite beautiful.
    And a lovely photograph of you.

  6. super butterfly shadow but as for the cake how dismal; who would have so little hope and faith at the point of marriage and still go ahead with it?

  7. The wedding night cake is fabulous! I'm in awe of your butterfly shadow & that ice cream VW camper van is stunning...I'd like one as pretty as that just to drive around in!! Love the pic of you with the GB bumper sticker...inspired!! :D

  8. well done on getting the last few photos the cake is fantastic so funny but not one many people would want for their big day I'm sure!

  9. The cake is amazing....but I agree.....who would actually buy it!!

  10. Fabulous cake but oh my, isn't that ice-cream van just the best!

  11. A fab collection of pics, Jemma :) The butterfly was definitely worth waiting for!

  12. Haha - that cake certainly summed up my wedding night! Super shadow photo - you could have super impressed us if you hadn't told the story! And I did the same with the movie poster - had to divert to the cinema, except I actually had to go inside to get mine! But it's all done and posted now.

  13. Wonderful bunch of photos. Love the bride!

  14. Oh congratulations on the butterfly - even nicer now we know all the work that went into it.

    Your symbol is very apt too :)

  15. You've spotted a brilliant bride! Really made me smile - yes, who'd order a cake like this! I also enjoyed your butterfly photo ...

  16. What fun shots - that bride cake is delish!


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